Martin began his journey with COPE Galway in February 2021, when he joined our Homeless Service Team as Relief Support Worker at Teach Corrib Day Centre.
His decision to work in the community sector was influenced by the advice his father always gave, ‘Do you know what brings happiness to an individual’s life? Giving to others!’
In 2023, Martin was promoted to Project Worker at Corrib Haven Family Hub. This service provides ten families experiencing homelessness in Galway City with Supported Temporary Accommodation.
Martin and his colleagues contribute to creating a safe and nurturing environment.
We want to make things at the Family Hub as comfortable as possible for clients. We’ve put cosy blankets in the lounge; we have the children’s art on the walls, and we have nurtured a thriving house plant collection!”
When a family arrives at Corrib Haven Family Hub, they are assigned a keyworker. While their housing need remains a priority, the keyworker assists parents on a one-to-one basis to co-create individually tailored support plans across a wide range of holistic needs.
Martin brings his passion for gardening to his work, supporting the younger clients at Corrib Haven to cultivate plants from seeds and shoots.
‘I give each family a plant when they arrive – we just want them to know they are welcome and safe here.’
A recent volunteer gardening project further enhanced the environment at Corrib Haven.
The service is designed for stays of six months or less. However, families often stay here for longer periods due to the housing crisis.
Having a beautiful garden like this, where the children can play and adults can relax, has therapeutic benefits and goes a long way to making things homely.”
Martin, a trained teacher, also assists children with homework and with planning and engaging in various activities: ‘I’ll spend a few hours with the younger children – playing games in the garden or watching a film. It’s great to see them spend time together like this.’’
He recognises the strengths and skills the parents residing at Corrib Haven possess, and the unique peer support they provide one another.
It has been a joy watching the sense of community develop and deepen over the past year.”
Last Christmas, we all had a community meal together, families and staff, with each family cooking and contributing to the evening. It gives everyone an opportunity to get together. It was a lot of fun.
Martin champions a Trauma Informed Approach at Corrib Haven. As a participant of COPE Galway’s Champions Group, he has brought learnings to his team on the healing power of positive relationships for people who have experienced trauma. He and the team work to amplify client voices, involving them at every point of service delivery, and ensuring they have a say in the future direction their service will take.
‘I have seen many positive changes since I began working at the Family Hub. Clients have started to advocate for themselves. They support and mentor each other. It’s incredible to see.’
Martin meets clients as his equals. He and the team are always mindful of the inherent power imbalance between people who access services and those who deliver them. The team works from a position of trust and mutual respect. Martin elaborates:
‘Small changes have the potential to really make a difference and can communicate far more than they may first appear. Together, we all take ownership of the service. We trust one another here. Our pantry doors at Corrib Haven had been furnished with individual locks but today, not one of them is locked.’
This story was first published in the 2023 COPE Galway Annual Report.